Piramal Critical Care | Website Redesign

Marketing Automation Implementation Helps Global Leader in Hospital Generic Improve Their Sales Process and User Experience


SmartAcre worked with Piramal Critical Care to digitize the sales conversation and improve the sales process. We built separate and distinct websites for their two intrathecal baclofen drugs, MITIGO and Gablofen®, and incorporated marketing automation tools and techniques including forms and lead routing to allow for better segmentation of customers and data while also enhancing the user experience of each website.


Piramal Critical Care, a leader in inhaled anesthetics and intrathecal baclofen and a global player in hospital generic pharmaceuticals, wanted to enhance the web presence of two of its brands, Gablofen and MITIGO. Through improving the user experience, creating more targeted content, and introducing more marketing automation tools, the Piramal Critical Care team looked to digitize and streamline their sales process and increase their pipeline.

Goals included:

  1. Update and automate the sales process by leveraging the website and other automation tools.
  2. Improve the user experience, design, technology, and messaging to support lead generation and engagement while creating a more accurate representation of each brand.
  3. Develop content specific to targeted personas that would help them better understand the use and purpose of the drug and lead them to consider its usage.



We initiated the project with the discovery phase to better understand Piramal Critical Care, Gablofen, and MITIGO. We conducted stakeholder interviews, analyzed competitors, audited their existing content and SEO performance, and reviewed data to identify areas for improvement.

Upon completing our interviews and research, we identified the requirements and provided recommendations to meet the stated goals. These included:

  • Updating the sales process, taking it from a manual outreach and brochure-based approach by the sales team to a digital experience. This would be accomplished by introducing a better user path on the website and utilizing HubSpot’s marketing automation tools such as forms and lead routing to automate the process.
  • Implementing a “choose your own path” experience for the Gablofen site, in which a patient or provider identifies themself at the homepage and sees content specific to their needs.

Image showing "Choose Your Own Path" on Gablofen website and the customized homepage you see depending on if you say you are a provider or a patient



Once in agreement with the client on requirements and next steps, we moved into UX and Design. Here, we developed wireframes and design comps outlining all of the steps in the customer journey, specifically the conversion points that would feed information for the sales team into HubSpot. This development allowed us to ensure the new website flow created a better user experience and enticed visitors to perform an intended action.

Piramal Critical Care Wireframes

Piramal Critical Care Designs



During this phase, our team used the approved wireframes to develop all the pages, necessary forms, and back-end requirements in HubSpot. Despite the websites using unique navigation, taxonomy, styles, and content, we developed them simultaneously so they could launch on the same day.

We also produced content, including landing pages, brochures, and blog posts that better spoke to the unique personas visiting each website. This process also included drafting specific content for patients and providers interested in Gablofen as their journeys differ from one another and a healthcare provider needs different information than a patient.

Before launching, we performed multiple rounds of QA and testing across browsers and devices to ensure a visitor had a great experience, no matter where or on what they were using to access the site.

video that shows old Gablofen website and then the new one. Then transitions to show the old MITIGO site and then the new one



Decrease in bounce rate for Gablofen


Decrease in bounce rate for MITIGO


Increase in new users on Gablofen


Increase in new users on MITIGO


Increase in views per session for Gablofen


Increase in views per session for MITIGO

The Piramal Critical Care team now has a more robust and automated sales process that allows them to better meet the needs of their prospects and properly engage with them.

Our website enhancements have resulted in improvements in metrics across the board.

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