Marketing Strategy Blog Articles

Top 4 Spooky Marketing Tactics

Do you remember the last time a blog told you NOT to do something? While we are usually glass half-full people, it’s necessary to have realistic marketing goals. Here are the top 4 scariest marketing tactics you should avoid.

Segmenting your database based on anything OTHER than prospect’s challenges

Whether you’re building a re-engagement nurture or vertical specific campaign, the best way to resonate with your target audience is to appeal to their everyday challenges. While it may be tempting to segment your prospects based on job title, prospects with similar job titles face different challenges. Segmentation based on challenges is a surefire way to portray that your solution appeals to their specific problems.

SEOKeyword Stuffing or Over-Utilizing Keywords

As Google gets smarter, the algorithm it uses to rank your content relies more on context and less on keywords. In fact, “keyword stuffing” actually ranks against you in Google searches. According to Moz, you should ignore keyword density and instead use keywords “intelligently and with usability in mind.”

Using thank you codes rather than thank you pages

While adding a thank you message to a landing page following a form submission might be easier to build in your marketing automation tool, they also leave visitors stranded on your landing page with no further action to take. Separate thank you pages provide your visitors with a relevant next step while waiting for the asset or confirmation to arrive in their inbox. Setting this up may require more time on the front end, but it will pay dividends when you see your visitors continuing to engage with you. The perfect landing page is just a few simple steps away.

thank you page

Ignoring personalization

In this day and age, personalization is key to customer retention. By the end of 2019, it is expected that 246 billion emails will be sent everyday. What makes your emails special? Knowing your customers and including a personal touch is key to increasing your open and click-through rate. And the best part? Personalization can be automated. Using variable tags and dynamic content makes your content look personal, when in reality, it is the result of flawless list segmentation.

As marketers, we have the creative flexibility to implement even the most unique tactics. But all the while, there are fundamental actions, such as these, that marketers should simply avoid. While these are just some of the marketing tactics that you shouldn’t do, there are so many creative ways to engage with your prospects, you just have to find what resonates with them.

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