Marketing Strategy Blog Articles

Video Landing Page Best Practices You Might Not Be Using

Improve Your Video Landing Page Performance With These Best Practices

Any landing page should be about one thing: converting visitors to leads.  One of the most effective tactics to improve your conversion rates is to incorporate video into your landing pages.

According to a study by, video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%. In order to ensure your landing pages get that kind of lift to your conversion rates, here are some best practices.

1. Create a Landing Page Specific Video

Your landing page shouldn’t have the same video as your homepage or about us page.  What is the main offer that your landing page is offering to visitors in exchange of their contact information? The video should clarify and reinforce the value of that offer for visitors.

Are you concerned you don’t have the time or resources to create a video for every landing page?  Here are some ways you can easily and affordably create videos.

2. Keep the visitor on your Landing page

Many landing pages include links that can direct the visitors away from your page without converting first.

For example, embedded YouTube videos often include a listing of related videos at the end of the video. This could be disastrous to your conversion rates because you are driving traffic to YouTube instead of into your funnel.  You can avoid this by making a simple embed change. Direct your viewers to a topic on your site that they also might be interested in.

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Notice how this video by Crazy Egg directs its viewers to clips from different companies, not a great move. You can change this in the video embed to keep your site traffic up.
3. Integrate Your Marketing Automation Software

While promoting your video is important, a high view count isn’t what matters ultimately – it’s the business that comes after. Tracking leads in order to eventually turn them into conversions is the ultimate goal. One of the easiest ways to do this is to integrate your marketing automation platform. Whether it’s Marketo, Salesforce, or any type of marketing automation software, tracking the information of those interested in your video will allow you to nurture them along the buyer’s journey, and ultimately convert them into customers.

The video A Tale of Two Marketers from Vidyard is a helpful example that portrays what happens when marketers neglect to implement any kind of lead tracking.


4. Simplify the Copy

Simplify the copy on the landing page and let the video tell the story. Communicating your core marketing message will be more effective through a video and CTA rather than a long chunk of text that most viewer won’t care to read.

Your design can also help simplify your message. Create your landing page so it creates a clear eye path for visitors to the video player and feature the player directly in the layout. Using arrows on the landing page that point to the video player is one way to draw visitors attention to the video, and make sure the video player is above the page fold. Present your content to viewers in a way that is most obvious, and most likely to get you more views.

Mention how long the video is in the landing page copy. Visitors will be more likely to click the video play button if they know they won’t be stuck watching a 5-minute video.

Notice how this example immediately pulls your eye to video – there is minimal text, and the video is the first thing the viewer engages with.
5. Brand the Video Player

Include an attractive and branded video player thumb image that matches the rest of the landing page branding and design. YouTube still only provides three thumb images to choose from today (and sometimes none of the three options are good options).

6. Use CTAs in the Video

The goal of a landing page is to get viewers to take some kind of action, and your video can enhance this. Add a call-to-action at any point during the video to give your viewer specific instructions on how they can solve a problem they are having, or a way they can have their needs met. Some ways to use a CTA are:

  • Promote Premium Content
  • Suggest another video
  • Drive them to a landing page
  • Encourage them to subscribe
  • Generate leads with form capture
  • Provide them links to relevant moments in time
  • Encourage viewers to socially share
7. Optimize for SEO

Make sure your page can be found both from an organic search and from within your website. Creating a logical hierarchy of links within your site can help directing traffic to your page. Here are some quick tips:

  • Include transcripts for Closed Captioning
  • Use rich snippets for the video – this will allow it a more attractive and informative view in SERPs
  • Avoid using iFrame embeds

Learn more about SEO best practices with the tips and resources we’ve put together here.

8. A/B Split Test to Optimize the Landing Page

Use the video as a key element for landing page A/B testing. Using video elements such as location on the landing page and video player thumb image in addition to video length can give serious marketers multiple options for identifying the ideal landing page layout for creating an uplift in  visitor conversions.

9. Encourage Social Sharing

imgresInclude social sharing buttons. Promotion is an important part of marketing, and without consciously trying to bring people to your page, it’s possible all your hard work will never be put to use. Get your message out there. Need more help increasing page traffic? Read our SEO basics blog post.

Video landing pages, if done correctly, can lead to a significant increase in conversions, and ultimately allow your business to grow. Follow these steps, and viewers will be engaging and converting on your landing pages in no time!

Need some help with your landing pages? Take a look at what SmartAcre® can do for you.