Marketing & Sales Automation

Marketing & Sales Automation
3 Best HubSpot New Products and Features Released at Inbound15

“Only 8% of companies say that they have a tight alignment between Marketing and Sales.” - Brian Halligan - CEO and Founder at HubSpot The new products and features releases are in conjunction with...

Marketing & Sales Automation
Is Your HubSpot Instance Fully Integrated? Find out with SmartAcre’s HubSpot Scorecard

Getting the most out of HubSpot starts with ensuring that the marketing automation platform is fully setup with all its great features and tools. The HubSpot Scorecard is a quick checklist of features...

Marketing & Sales Automation
Landing Page Design Success vs. Failure

The importance of a well-thought and conceptually designed landing page can be the difference between a successful conversion and a failed campaign. This post covers the important design elements that...

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