Blog Articles

Drift Video vs. Vidyard GoVideo

Sales Enablement
Drift Video vs. Vidyard GoVideo: What You Need to Know

The one-to-one video scene welcomes newcomer Drift Video, but how does it stack up against veterans like Vidyard GoVideo? We breakdown what you need to know.

Implement a Marketing Lead Scoring Model

Marketing & Sales Automation
How to Implement Lead Scoring for B2B: Lead Scoring Best Practices (Part 2)

Learn how you can move from planning a lead scoring model for your B2B marketing to actually implementing it.

lead scoring best practices

Marketing & Sales Automation
How to Implement Lead Scoring for B2B: Lead Scoring Best Practices (Part 1)

Looking to set up an efficient lead qualification system for sales handoff? Follow these top lead scoring best practices to success.

Choosing a video platform for B2B marketing

Sales Enablement
Choosing a Video Platform for B2B Marketing

There are many great video platforms out there so today we are going to break it down and help you find the right solution. We’ll examine Vidyard, Wistia, and YouTube and let you know which one comes...

marketo sky B2B marketing

Marketing & Sales Automation
Marketo Sky: What B2B Marketers Need to Know

Marketo Sky Beta is now available to all Marketo customers! Here's everything B2B marketers need to know about the roll-out of marketing software's new UI.

Is the Wordpress Gutenberg editor right for you?

Design & Development
Is the WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg editor right for you?

The WordPress Gutenberg Editor: Watch or listen as members of the SmartAcre design and development team share best practices and discuss the pros and cons of upgrading to Wordpress 5.0.

Blog Denver HUG Video Marketing Feature Image

Demand Generation
Leverage Video Marketing for Demand Generation

The first Denver HubSpot User Group of 2019 was all about video. Learn from Vidyard's cofounders and a HubSpot Senior Growth Specialist to see why video marketing should be a part of every business' growth...

Marketing & Sales Automation
5 Reasons to Conduct a HubSpot Audit

Feel like you’re not taking full advantage of HubSpot? Here are 5 reasons it’s time for a HubSpot audit to ensure you're getting ROI from your software.

Choosing the right CMS for B2B

Marketing & Sales Automation
HubSpot vs. WordPress: Which CMS is Best for You?

Deciding which Content Management System (CMS) is the right one to build a website for marketing your B2B focused business isn’t easy. If you ask 10 people you could get 10 answers. Get our input in...

google tag manager maintain tracking

Design & Development
Google Tag Manager How-To Series Part 3

This is the third video in our Google Tag Manager How-To Series. Watch to learn how to setup tracking for AMP pages.

how to set up google tag manager

Design & Development
Google Tag Manager How-To Series Part 2

Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows you to organize and maintain all of your tracking scripts in one place without having to edit the code of your website. Watch this video to learn how to setup event...

Google Tag Manager How-To Series Part 1

Design & Development
Google Tag Manager How-To Series Part 1

In part one of our Google Tag Manager series, we'll show you how to set up a Google Tag Manager account and add your Universal Analytics tracking script.

hubspot lead attribution video 1 - default lead tracking

Marketing & Sales Automation
Lead Attribution with HubSpot: Part 2 – Creating a Master Lead Source Value

Learn how to set up your own custom lead source values in part two of our video series on HubSpot Lead Attribution.

hubspot lead attribution video 3 - custom reporting

Marketing & Sales Automation
Lead Attribution with HubSpot: Part 3 – Custom Lead Source Reports

In this final installment of our HubSpot Lead Attribution video series we show you how to apply what you've learned in Part One - Default lead Sources and Part Two - Custom Master Lead Source so you can...

hubspot lead attribution video 2 - custom lead source values

Marketing & Sales Automation
Lead Attribution with HubSpot: Part 1 – Understanding Original Source Values

Watch part one of this video series to get a deep dive of lead attribution in HubSpot. Part one will show you how to use HubSpot's default source property values. This is the first step to leveraging HubSpot...

Marketing & Sales Automation
Do More with HubSpot Reporting & Sales

HubSpot Reporting and Sales are two tools that shouldn't be overlooked when refining your marketing automation stack. See if you're making the most of these key HubSpot features now.

Make HubSpot Automation Work For You

Marketing & Sales Automation
Using HubSpot Automation for Lead Nurturing

HubSpot automation tools can help you drastically expand your demand gen funnel and close more leads than ever. Are taking full advantage of them? Find out now.

Get More from HubSpot Contact Management

Marketing & Sales Automation
Understanding Your HubSpot Contact Database

Is an unorganized HubSpot database holding back your company's growth? Properly understanding and maintaining your contact data should be a core feature of your growth strategy. Learn more now.

Understanding the Relationship Between UX and SEO

Design & Development
The Relationship Between UX and SEO: Test Your Website

Learn more about the relationship between UX and SEO, then take a minute to test your own website health with SmartAcre's free SEO website grader.

Connecting HubSpot and Salesforce

Sales Enablement
Connecting HubSpot and Salesforce: Configuring, Syncing and Field Mapping

Anyone can connect HubSpot and Salesforce, but not everyone can truly integrate them. Watch as our experts walk you through the process of configuring and synchronizing your marketing automation and CRM...

Demand Generation
5 Lead to Revenue Management Mistakes Costing You Marketing Success

As marketers, we are tasked with more than just lead and demand generation. We're also responsible for tying marketing efforts to overall company revenue. Don't fall victim to these common Lead to Revenue...

SmartAcre Demand Gen Playbook

Demand Generation
Demand Generation Ideas for B2B Marketers

Download your new favorite playbook. SmartAcre's Demand Gen Playbook has 5 tactics designed to help you impact your pipeline growth and build a lead and demand generation plan that works for your business....

pillar content featured image

Marketing Strategy
How Pillar Content Led to a 53% Increase in Organic Traffic (in 3 Weeks!)

Are forms becoming a dirty word in inbound marketing? Since day one in the digital marketing world, you’re spoon-fed that gated content delivers consistent lead generation. What would happen if you removed...

Moving On Marketing Automation Featured Image

Marketing & Sales Automation
Your Step by Step Guide to Switching Marketing Automation Platforms Part Three: Moving On

When switching marketing automation platforms, moving on from your old system can often be the hardest part. Get the lowdown on moving on from old technology now. Part three in SmartAcre's "Switching Marketing...

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